Get Involved!


Get Involved with Apicentre!

Photo: Apicentre


The most basic type of support. You can provide a contribution to sustain Apicentre’s overall activities in existing Havens, or to help us cover more ground - literally. With the funds donated, Apicentre can plant wildflower meadows, build beehives, install them in the locations, and ensure its periodic monitoring activities and on-the-field, training and administrative activities to assure the well-being of the honeybees. We periodically update on the progress achieved with the use of funds received.

Photo: Apicentre

Confer land pro bono

If you have land, and wish to repurpose it to help local bee populations, we can work with you to plant pollinating flowers that bees can use as a reliable, year-round food source. We are always on the lookout for open fields, unused plots and neglected land in which bees can thrive undisturbed. Legislation varies regionally, and we advise you to get in touch with us or your local beekeepers for more information; but generally the locations we look for are agricultural plots of unsown land, 20m+ away from buildings or busy roads, overlooked by tall, leafy trees, and not too far from a source of freshwater.

If instead you are more interested in taking up beekeeping for non commercial uses, we can talk you through how to install a beehive - a KTB, obviously! - on your land.

Photo: Apicentre

nETWorking and Advocacy

Simply talk about us to your family, friends, coworkers, and other contacts! The drive towards a more sustainable future is impacting all of us in a different way, and people with an interest in supporting dwindling bee populations are everywhere. Refer us to someone who may have in an interest, or are willing to participate, in any of the above: we always look forward to hearing from them, and seeing how to best act on their desire to help out.